My husband reminded me today that it will be a year on MLK Day since we first looked at what is now our house. We’ve tried to make improvements and make it our own. But there are definitely things on our list that we want to get done in the coming months. So I’ve put together a lit of our Top 10 House Goals for 2013 (and I apologize for the photo quality – this is what happens when I use my phone and take pictures at night after work :)
1. Add hardware to our kitchen cabinets – anyone have any good places to order hardware through?
2. Finish the TV wall in the loft – we did have someone mount the TV so the cords don’t show, but now I want to get something else to put underneath the TV and figure our décor for the wall.
3. Find furniture for the garage entry – I bought and stained these chests from Ikea a few months back. I really would like to find a bench to fit here along with some sort of bulletin board/hook station.
4. Organize and decorate the office – we were lucky enough to buy a house with a separate office, but it has become a dumping ground for all my crafts/gift wrapping/computer stuff/paper work and it needs some serious organizing. And some color! Any suggestions??
5. Figure out some sort of window covering for our sliding glass doors – I am not a fan of traditional vertical blinds, so I want to figure something out that will be functional, but add some color. Any ideas??
6. Decorate the guest room – this is what we currently have going on. I bought the comforter awhile back, but didn’t really even like it when I bought it. I would like to paint the room and get some real furniture (including a headboard) and add some curtains.
7. Landscape the backyard – Unfortunately, when we bought the house the grass was all overgrown with weeds. This picture was taken right before we closed on the house, so the yard is actually a lot more brown now. This is probably the #1 item on our list right now and we hope to do it in the next few months. In a perfect world, we will be able to move the patio from the back of the yard (don’t understand why it was built there in the first place) closer to the house, but I’m not sure if that will be in the budget.
I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on these! I really could use your help :)
And now to announce the giveaway!!
I’ve joined with some friends to bring you this awesome giveaway. Now until next Friday, you can enter to win a Kindle Fire and a $50 Amazon gift card. I’ve been eyeing a Kindle Fire for awhile, so I wish I could enter :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway is brought to you by all of these wonderful ladies. Don’t forget to check out their blogs and show them some love :) And a huge thanks to Lisa at Wine & Glue for organizing everything!

Wine & Glue | Real Housemoms | It's Yummi | Just My Crazy Kitchen | I Love My Disorganized Life | Lemon Tree Dwelling | While Wearing Heels | One Creative Mommy | Julie's Eats & Treats | White Lights on Wednesday | Food Babbles | Here Comes the Sun | Clarks Condensed | Operation Dinnertime | Lemons for Lulu | DIY Crafty Projects | What's Cooking with Ruthie | The Tasty Fork | Organized Island | Sweet Twist of Blogging | Mom's test kitchen | Yours and Mine are Ours | The Pink Flour | Image Map
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I’ll see you back here on Monday with some more details from my best friend’s baby shower.
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